Monday, March 28, 2011

Back from Songkai leadership camp : D

In this camp~~jus feel relax...not too tired and not too adventure
Is time to have a good rest

The first face was painted by bad Ms. Shamilla....She enjoy painting ppl...CRAZY!!
The stupid Yuen Xin  say i act as him....haha.....mana ada

This is my 3 days room mate.Phoebe and Elaine...n the room key i took upside down d >.<
The Phoebe keep sleeping and talking with her mami and boy boy...
The Elaine to watch 超级掌门人 a lot...and laugh til next room also can hear...

 Just washed face then kena paint again!! HATE FACE PAINTING!!

Although tats my room but i slept on the additional bed....too soft back pain wei.~~
but it is nice like 5 STAR hotel XDD

eat together with my 9 group members..
Rebecca- team leader..always wants to be the first..好胜!!
Nicole- shy and love to smile but always late...时间观念不好!!
Boon Hui- Shy when presenting but is a good athlete.. 好敏捷!!
Eunice- shy but will shows her power when it is needed ....突然要领导!!
Jocelyn-love her comments.....must be a good motivator!! 
Jason-size big but eat less.. i love the way he teeth ..好嘴形!
Yong- pretend shy but actually quite nonsense xD...好搞笑!!
Fariq-love to argue with me!! c his face also wanna laugh d..
Malissa- have a problem to pee in the jungle xDD...TOLONGKU!!

Our WAR CRY (口号) is something like that:
I say US 
is hot in here!!
lets have some snakes in the atmosphere (X2)
I say oooooforgetoooooooXDD

the canteen looks nice but the food is so limited XDD jus few types nia

this is the most satisfied porridge i ever had outside my house xDD
i put dam much of ikan bilis in it....syok sangat!!

Most of the activities were held in this big big air-con hall 

Then, me, Lingwei, Phoebe, Elaine and Nicole wont forget to leave some memorable moment..^v^

搞笑lingwei...Wan climb tree =.=...crazy flur

wow..i so fair in this photo ^u^

Lastly....with a very nice photo nice ending